Welcome Back

Yorkminster Park reopens for in-person worship

Yorkminster Park welcomes you back

Since the outset of the Covid-19 pandemic we have been webcasting our Sunday morning services from behind closed doors. We are so appreciative of our webcasting ministry, but oh how we miss seeing one another. The good news is that we are now ready to open our doors for Sunday morning worship and we look forward to welcoming you back.

  • Sunday, September 13th will be a live rehearsal with a small number of congregants attending our morning service.
  • Sunday, September 20th there will be a limit of 50 congregants. They must register to attend, and there will be no walk-ins allowed.
  • From Sunday, September 27th going forward, there will be a limit of 50 congregants. We strongly encourage pre-registration; however, walk-ins will be allowed based on availability.

For several months a committee has been working hard to ensure that when we reopen, we will be following the regulations established by the various levels of government and ensuring that we are doing all we can to maximize the health and safety of one and all. No one knows when this pandemic will end. It may be that a sudden spike in cases will cause the government to advise or require us to close or make other changes. As a result, our reopening committee will continue to review and update the various protocols.

It will be so good to be back in the House of the Lord claiming the promise that where even two or three are gathered together in the name of Christ he is there in the midst. We know that wherever we are, alone or together, Christ is with us and he will continue to see us through this pandemic.

Blessings in Christ

What to do before coming to Yorkminster Park

You should pre-register to attend in-person worship.

You can pre-register online at eventbrite.ca, or by calling the church office at 416-922-1167.

You will be required to provide name and contact information and answer basic health screening questions for each person attending.

Please remember to bring your phone, or a printout of your ticket.

What happens when you arrive at the church?

In accordance with the City of Toronto By-Law 541-2020, you must wear a face mask or face covering at all times unless you have an underlying medical condition.

When attending our Sunday morning service, the ONLY entry to the church will be through the main doors at Yonge Street. The doors will open at 10:30am. Please arrive a few minutes early to ensure that you’ve left enough time to check-in before entering the sanctuary. If necessary, line up on Yonge Street while maintaining physical distancing.

There will be an usher at the door managing the entry process. If you require any accessibility accommodations, they will assist you.

At the entrance to the church there will be three lines. The first line is for those who registered by phone. The second line is for those who registered online using Eventbrite. And the third line is for walk-ins. Starting September 27th, if there is room available in the sanctuary, walk-ins will be welcome to attend after registering at the desk in the lobby. Please enter the sanctuary through the appropriate door and remember to always observe physical distancing.

What is the procedure for entering the church?

When you enter the lobby, please sanitize your hands. You will be greeted by an usher who will confirm that you are properly registered, and who will ask you basic health screening questions relevant to COVID-19 Once you have checked-in, you will be directed to an usher near the front of the church. Please follow their instructions.

What happens during the service?

The usher will direct you to your seat. Only sit wear directed in a spot marked by green tape. You will find an order of service and donation envelope at your seat.

Once seated, please remain in your seat and refrain from singing during the service.

All of the bibles and hymn books have been removed from the pews. You are invited to bring your own bible and/or electronic tablet to follow the order of service. To receive the order of service by email, subscribe here. For the time being, communion will not be served.

If you need to leave your seat or begin to feel sick or unwell at any time during the service, please inform an usher.

Will there be on-site children and youth ministries?

Unfortunately, it will be sometime before we are able to offer our children and youth ministries on site, but thanks to Heather Mackey and her team their online offerings will continue to equip and encourage our families.

Keep children under 10 with you and use masks, except for those 2 and under.

Bring your own quiet toys or get a package from an usher upon arrival. Do not share items or leave anything behind.

Will there be an opportunity to give offerings?

Offering envelopes will be already be in place in the pews. If you have you own, you are welcome to bring them from home. The offering will not be collected by the ushers. They can be deposited in collection boxes located at the entry and exits. You may also prefer to donate offsite online.

What is the procedure for exiting the church?

When the service is over and the postlude is complete, please remain seated until directed by the ushers.

You will be directed to leave the church one at a time through the centre isle doors. You are not allowed to leave through the entry doors or return to lobby. Leave only through the doors directed to you by the ushers.

At the exits you will find a donation box to leave your donation envelopes. You will also be able to dispose of your order-of-service.

Please remember to bring all of your belongings when you leave.

Please do not socialize in the sanctuary. Wait to socialize outside the church, and if you do, remember to maintain physical distancing at all times.