2025 YPBC Women’s Retreat
Facilitated by The Rev. Dr. Karoline Lewis
Saturday January 25, 2025 - Cameron Hall YPBC - 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
9:00 am: Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:30 am: Programme
Fee: $55
Refreshments and Hot Lunch Provided (vegan and gluten free options)
You can register online on Eventbrite, or by downloading a registration form and returning it to the church office.
Registration forms are available on tables in the YPBC Centre Hall and the Narthex.
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Wednesday January 15, 2025
Regrettably the fee is non- refundable after January 15
Karoline writes...
"You belong. When we cast discipleship as being one whom Jesus loves, it changes the focus of the conversation. Discipleship becomes less about what we have to do. Instead, it flows from our state of belonging. Discipleship emanates from being found. Discipleship becomes first about what Jesus has offered you and not about how you can get Jesus to love you. It sounds different to say discipleship is being loved by Jesus, to belong with Jesus, than discipleship is being a follower of Jesus, doesn't it?"
(an excerpt from Belonging: 5 Keys to Unlock your Potential as a Disciple)
About Karoline Lewis
Karoline Lewis is a theologian, speaker, teacher, scholar, author, and preacher. She answered a calling to pursue theology, preaching, and teaching 25 years ago. Her experiences ignited a passion to empower leaders in the church to find fulfillment in their calling, too. The heart of her work is helping church leaders realize or rediscover their true voices and joyfully embody their roles as spiritual leaders.
She offers personalized consulting and coaching toward a deeper grounding in theology and practice to enhance preaching and leadership skills. Karoline is committed to advocacy, accompaniment, and affirmation for leaders who seek to lead others with compassion, integrity, and confidence. Karoline is the Marbury E. Anderson Chair in Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN, where she has taught since 2007.