Yorkminster Park Gallery

5th Anniversary Reprise

Jane LowBeer, Margaret Glew, Nancy Oakes and Judy Raymer Ivkoff

June 2 - July 31
Opening reception Sunday June 2, 12:30 to 2:00 pm

Jane LowBeer (printmaking), Margaret Glew (painting), Nancy Oakes (drawing) and Judy Raymer Ivkoff (sculpture) are four featured artists from Yorkminster Park Gallery's five-year history. Together they represent the breadth and depth of disciplines and approaches covered by the gallery since its opening in September 2007.

Click here to view the 5th Anniversary Reprise.

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Gallery Hours
Sunday: 10:00am - 11:00am
Sunday: 12:15pm - 1:00pm
Saturday: Noon - 3:00pm