Pastoral Care

For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Galatians 5:14

At Yorkminster Park we seek excellence in the offering of our gifts to God in worship, but we believe that the highest expression of our gifts and our faith is in our love for God and for one another. Those who are involved in the daily life of Yorkminster Park think first of the people, because at the centre of our community is a heart that cares and beats for others.

Members and adherents with special needs, e.g. seniors in a care setting or at home, are visited regularly by our Minister of Pastoral Care. Please let us know of members who are suddenly ill or incapacitated, or those recently bereaved, so that we can arrange for a ministerial visit.

Prayer is also central to our ministry of caring. The Yorkminster Park Prayer List is regularly updated and the clergy gather each Tuesday morning in the Chapel with a number of lay people to pray through the list. Many others in the church are also doing so in their own place and time. Through our Open Door Ministry, the church is open for prayer and meditation from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. every Tuesday through Thursday. The offering of pastoral prayers in public worship often also include some of the names (first names only) from our prayer list. We are a faith community, but we do not journey alone. We seek to be there for one another and to turn things over to God who promises to be with us always.

Prayer Requests

Send an email to to let us know of your prayer requests. Please indicate in your email if you would like this to be sent to the prayer team or if you would like it to just be for the pastoral staff at Yorkminster.